13. Configure the Core

The Chromite core is highly parameterized and configurable. By changing a single configuration the user can generate a core instance ranging in size from embedded micro-controllers to Linux capable high-performance cores.

The configuration should be specified by the user in a YAML file. Sample YAML files are available in the sample_config/ directory of the Chromite repository. At times it is possible that the user specifies conflicting configurations which are illegal and can be detected only at during compile or simulation time. To detect them early, the configurator maintains a schema of valid configurations and alerts the user when an illegal configuration is provided. The source code is compiled only when a legal configuration is detected.

The output of the configurator is a makefile.inc file, which contains necessary variables, to be used in the master Makefile, for bluespec compilation, verilator linking, simulation, verification and other collateral information.

To configure the core using a YAML file use the following command from the root-folder:

$ python -m configure.main -ispec myconfig.yaml
$ make

The various features of the input YAML spec are described below.


Description: Takes input a string representing the ISA supported by the implementation. All extension names (other than Zext) should be mentioned in upper-case. Z extensions should begin with an upper-case ‘Z’ followed by lower-case extension name (without Camel casing)


Zicsr is enabled by default and cannot be switched off. Zifencei is controlled based on whether the caches are enabled or not



Description: integer value indicating the size of the epochs for the instruction memory subsystem. Allowed value is 2 only


iepoch_size: 2

Description: integer value indicating the size of the epochs for the data memory subsystem. Allowed value is 1 only


depoch_size: 1

Description: An integer address indicating where the self-loop for the debug module sits


dtvec_base: 0x0

Description: Describes various supervisor and MMU related parameters. These parameters only take effect when “S” is present in the ISA field.

  • mode: a string indicating the virtualisation mode to be implemented. Can be one of : sv32, sv39 or sv48. Please note for RV32 only sv32 is supported and for RV64 sv39 and sv48 are supported.

  • itlb_size: integer indicating the size of entries in the Instruction TLB

  • dtlb_size: integer indicating the size of entries in the Data TLB

  • asid_width: integer indicating the size of the ASID field. For RV32 it can be maximum 9 and for RV64 is can be maximum 16


  mode: sv39
  itlb_size: 4
  dtlb_size: 4
  asid_width: 9

Description: Defines the pmp configuration

  • enable: boolean value indicating if pmp support should be enabled.

  • entries: number of pmp regions to be supported. Max value of 16. Minimum value of 1

  • granularity: granularity of protection in terms of bytes. Minimum is 8 bytes for a 64-bit core and 4 bytes for a 32-bit core


  enable: true
  entries: 2
  granularity: 8

Description: Describes various M-extension related parameters. These parameters take effect only is “M” is present in the ISA field.

  • mul_stages: an integer indicating the number of pipeline stages for the integer multiplier. Max value is limited to the XLEN defined in the ISA.

  • div_stages: an integer indicating the number of cycles for a single division operation. Max value is limited to the XLEN defined in the ISA.


  mul_stages : 2
  div_stages: 64

Description: Describes various branch predictor related parameters.

  • instantiate: boolean value indicating if the predictor needs to be instantiated

  • predictor: string indicating the type of predictor to be implemented. Valid values are: ‘gshare’

  • on_reset: Indicates if the predictor should be enabled on system-reset or not. Valid values are : [‘enable’,’disable’]

  • btb_depth: integer indicating the size of the branch target buffer

  • bht_depth: integer indicating the size of the bracnh history buffer

  • history_len: integer indicating the size of the global history register

  • history_bits: integer indicating the number of bits used for indexing bht/btb.

  • ras_depth: integer indicating the size of the return address stack.


  instantiate: True
  predictor: gshare
  on_reset: "enable"
  btb_depth: 32
  bht_depth: 512
  history_len: 8
  history_bits: 5
  ras_depth: 8

Description: Describes the various instruction cache related features.

  • instantiate: boolean value indicating if the predictor needs to be instantiated

  • on_reset: Indicates if the predictor should be enabled on system-reset or not. Valid values are : [‘enable’,’disable’]

  • sets: integer indicating the number of sets in the cache

  • word_size: integer indicating the number of bytes in a word. Fixed to 4.

  • block_size: integer indicating the number of words in a cache-block.

  • ways: integer indicating the number of the ways in the cache

  • fb_size: integer indicating the number of fill-buffer entries in the cache

  • replacement: strings indicating the replacement policy. Valid values are: [“PLRU”, “RR”, “Random”]

  • ecc_enable: boolean field indicating if ECC should be enabled on the cache.

  • one_hot_select: boolean value indicating if the bsv one-hot selection funcion should be used of conventional for-loops to choose amongst lines/fb-lines. Choice of this has no affect on the functionality

If supervisor is enabled then the max size of a single way should not exceed 4Kilo Bytes


  instantiate: True
  on_reset: "enable"
  sets: 4
  word_size: 4
  block_size: 16
  ways: 4
  fb_size: 4
  replacement: "PLRU"
  ecc_enable: false
  one_hot_select: false

Description: Describes the various instruction cache related features.

  • instantiate: boolean value indicating if the predictor needs to be instantiated

  • on_reset: Indicates if the predictor should be enabled on system-reset or not. Valid values are : [‘enable’,’disable’]

  • sets: integer indicating the number of sets in the cache

  • word_size: integer indicating the number of bytes in a word. Fixed to 4.

  • block_size: integer indicating the number of words in a cache-block.

  • ways: integer indicating the number of the ways in the cache

  • fb_size: integer indicating the number of fill-buffer entries in the cache

  • sb_size: integer indicating the number of store-buffer entries in the cache. Fixed to 2

  • replacement: strings indicating the replacement policy. Valid values are: [“PLRU”, “RR”, “Random”]

  • ecc_enable: boolean field indicating if ECC should be enabled on the cache.

  • one_hot_select: boolean value indicating if the bsv one-hot selection funcion should be used of conventional for-loops to choose amongst lines/fb-lines. Choice of this has no affect on the functionality

  • rwports: number of read-write ports available on the brams. Allowed values are 1 and 2. Default value is 1

If supervisor is enabled then the max size of a single way should not exceed 4Kilo Bytes


  instantiate: True
  on_reset: "enable"
  sets: 4
  word_size: 4
  block_size: 16
  ways: 4
  fb_size: 4
  sb_size: 2
  replacement: "PLRU"
  ecc_enable: false
  one_hot_select: false
  rwports: 1

Description: Integer value indicating the reset value of program counter



Description: Integer value indicating the number of physical address bits


physical_addr_size: 32

Description: bus protocol for the master interfaces of the core. Fixed to “AXI4”


bus_protocol: AXI4

Description: Boolean value indicating if the core should trap on floating point exception and integer divide-by-zero conditions.


fpu_trap: False

Description: A boolean field indicating if the core should be implemented with debugger support



Description: An integer field indicating the number of triggers to be implemented


no_of_triggers: 4

Description: Captures various parameters for the csr implementation

  • structure: should be fixed to “Daisy”

  • counters_grp4: an integer field indicating the number of Counters implemented in this group. Max value is 7

  • counters_grp5: an integer field indicating the number of Counters implemented in this group. Max value is 7

  • counters_grp6: an integer field indicating the number of Counters implemented in this group. Max value is 7

  • counters_grp7: an integer field indicating the number of Counters implemented in this group. Max value is 8


  structure : "daisy"
  counters_in_grp4: 7
  counters_in_grp5: 7
  counters_in_grp6: 7
  counters_in_grp7: 8

Description: describes the various configurations for verilator compilation.

  • coverage: indicates the type of coverage that the user would like to track. Valid values are: [“none”, “line”, “toggle”, “all”]

  • trace: boolean value indicating if vcd dumping should be enabled.

  • threads: an integer field indicating the number of threads to be used during simulation

  • verbosity: a boolean field indicating of the verbose/display statements in the generated verilog should be compiled or not.

  • out_dir: name of the directory where the final executable will be dumped.

  • sim_speed: indicates if the user would prefer a fast simulation or slow simulation. Valid values are : [“fast”,”slow”]. Please selecting “fast” will speed up simulation but slow down compilation, while selecting “slow” does the opposite.


  coverage: "none"
  trace: False
  threads: 1
  verbosity: True
  open_ocd: False
  sim_speed: fast

Description: Describes the various bluespec compile options

  • test_memory_size: size of the BRAM memory in the test-SoC in bytes.

    Default is 32MB

  • assertions: boolean value indicating if assertions used in the design should be compiled or not

  • trace_dump: boolean value indicating if the logic to generate a simple trace should be implemented or not. Note this is only for simulation and not a real trace

  • compile_target: a string indicating if the bsv files are being compiled for simulation of for asic/fpga synthesis. The valid values are: [ ‘sim’, ‘asic’, ‘fpga’ ]

  • suppress_warnings: List of warnings which can be suppressed during bluespec compilation. Valid values are: [“none”, “all”, “G0010”, “T0054”, “G0020”, “G0024”, “G0023”, “G0096”, “G0036”, “G0117”, “G0015”]

  • verilog_dir: the directory name of where the generated verilog will be dumped

  • open_ocd: a boolean field indicating if the test-bench should have an open-ocd vpi enabled.

  • build_dir: the directory name where the bsv build files will be dumped

  • top_module: name of the top-level bluespec module to be compiled.

  • top_file: file containing the top-level module.

  • top_dir: directory containing the top_file.


  assertions: True
  trace_dump: True
  suppress_warnings: "none"
  top_module: mkTbSoc
  top_file: TbSoc
  top_dir: base_sim
  out_dir: bin